Indian Science Monitor,with more than two decades of services to the scientific community, has conducted numerous workshops, training sessions, research programs, debates, award celebrations and academic events in India. ISM has effectively motivated the young scientists by transmitting relevant scientific data from ancient,medieval and modern scientific works. Most of the members of ISM are archaeologists,anthropologists, management experts, media people and scientists of various institutions. In the grand celebration organized by the by the Indian Science Monitor on February 16, 2011 at Chennai, Hon'ble Justice S.Mohan presented Dr B.R.Ambedkar Award for Excellence in Science & Technology was presented to dignified achievers in various fields
Senior Congress Leader and Renowned Academician Dr E.M.Sudarsana Nachiappan
Dr Ramachandran, Chief Post Master General, Chennai
Dr D.Dayalan, Superintending Archeologist, Archaeological Survey of India
Ms Velvizhi, Research Associate, Dr M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation
Dr R.W.Alexander Jesudasan, Principal, Madras Christian College, Tambaram
Chennai, February 17, 2011
Five chosen for Ambedkar Award
Five chosen for Ambedkar Award
Indian Science Monitor, a non-profit institute here involved in promoting scientific temper, has chosen five persons for Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Award for Excellence 2010. They are E.M. Sudarsana Natchiappan, MP (for contributions in the field of political science); R.W. Alexander Jesudasan, principal, Madras Christian College (research in entomology); K. Ramachandran, Post Master General (innovative activities in postal services); S. Velvizhi, Senior Scientist, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Nagapattinam, (popularising and streamlining marine-based livelihood options to rural communities); and D. Dayalan, Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India (integrating electronic and digital technology in archaeological interpretation).
Speaking at a function organised here on Wednesday in this connection, former judge of the Supreme Court S. Mohan appealed for societal recognition of intellectuals and scientists. “It is unfortunate that they do not get the recognition they deserve while politicians, cine actors and even blackmarketeers get all the publicity,” he lamented. Justice Mohan said that “shabby treatment” meted out to the intellectual community resulted in brain drain. T.K.V. Rajan, founder-director, ISM, said the objective of this institute was to transmit relevant scientific data from ancient, mediaeval and modern science to the scientists and concerned citizens. It also aimed at generating awareness among the public of the impact of science and technology on society.
T.K.V.Rajan a well known Tamil Journalist, Archaeologist and T.V. Personality has long been concerned with Indian Archaeology and the impact of science and technology on the traditional Indian society. His extensive works in the former field include five successful audio visual cultural exhibitions he produced for the public. They were “Prehistoric Man Around Madras”, at the British Council, Madras, “Piercing the Past”. “Our Buried Past Phase I”, both sponsored by Max Mueller Bhavan, Madras and “In Search of Krishna”. Rajan has also presented “Our Buried Past” a documentary serial for Madras Doordarshan. They include “Prehistoric Man Around Madras”, Puduke – Our Ancient Sea Port”, 2000 Years Ago, From Kanchi to Taxilla, In Search of Lemuria, these have been telecast not only in Madras, but also in other TV centres through out the country. Rajan has become engrossed over the past few years in the process of cultural changes in the Indian society. His futuristic audio visual exhibition “The Last Days of Homosapiens” sponsored by Jawaharlal Nehru University had reflected the problems of changing values and eco-crisis. Rajan is the author of 3 books. In Search of Lord Krishna (Vol-1), From Kanchi to Combodia; Greater India-Revisited, Kashmir - Save it for humanity and Nallamanam Vazgha Kannanin Chuvadugal. Rajan has also edited and translated two “socially relevant” monographs into tamil. They are (1) Futurist S.L.Rao’s introduction to Futures Research (2) American Scholar Bruce W.Killer’s The Effects of Urbanization on Agrahara Brahmin Community. Rajan was graduated from Loyola College, Madras, took his M.A in Archaeology from Madras University (Where he won the Dikshitar Award for his academic excellence) and worked as a research staff at the History centre at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has also learnt Anthropology under professor Polin Kolanda of the University of Houston while attending a project of Tamil Family Life & Values, in India. Later, Rajan worked as a Senior Editor of Kungumam Group of Publications and Producer SUN TV, the first tamil Satellite TV network. He produced several documentaries for SUN TV (the best is the “History of CRPF”) and he was the presenter and producer of much talked about weekly programme “Cinema Quiz” which was going strong even after 100 weeks! Later T.K.V.Rajan worked as a Chief Producer in Raj TV. He is the Director of Indian Science Monitor in Chennai. Presently, he is CEO of Meenakshi Media Private Limited
Founder Chairman
Indian Science Monitor
Cheanni I Tamilnadu I India
Mobile : 9380554557
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Founder Chairman
Indian Science Monitor
Cheanni I Tamilnadu I India
Mobile : 9380554557
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